Microwave  Office   軟體操作使用說明



step1:開啟 Microwave 之後的視窗




Project Browser:如下圖所示

Design Notes
Displays a simple text editor in which you can make notes.
Project Frequency

Allows you to specify a default range of frequencies to be used for any linear, nonlinear, or EM simulations performed for this project.
For more information, see "Configuring Global Project Frequency" .
Global Equations

Allows you to define equations and/or functions to be used as parameter values in schematics created within this project.
For more information, see Chapter 11.
Data Files

Allows you to import data files to be used as subcircuits in schematics created within this project. The imported data files display as subobjects of Data Files. Data files imported for use as subcircuits can be Touchstone format or raw data files.
Also allows you to import data files to be used for performance comparison purposes. The imported data files display as subobjects of Data Files. Data files imported for comparison purposes can be DC-IV format or raw data files. (DC-IV is a Microwave Office format for reading DC-IV curves that measure a transistor or diode.)
For more information, see "Importing Data Files Into a Project" .

Allows you to create schematics and netlists within this project. These schematics and netlists display as subobjects of Schematics. Also contains the Default Ckt Options subobject, which allows you to specify schematic display, simulation, and layout options that apply to all schematics within this project.
For more information, see Chapters 2 and 3.
EM Structures

Allows you to create EM structures within this project. These structures display as subobjects of EM Structures. Also contains the Default EM Options subobject, which allows you to specify drawing and simulation options that apply to all EM structures within this project.
For more information, see Chapter 4.
Conductor Materials

Allows you to define conductor materials to characterize the loss associated with the planar conductors of EM structures within this project. The materials display as subobjects of Conductor Materials. This object always contains the Perfect Conductor subobject -- a perfect conductor is the default conductor material.
For more information, see "Conductor Materials" .
Output Equations

Allows you to specify equations used to post-process measurement data prior to displaying it in tabular or graphical form.
For more information, see "Output Files" .

Allows you to create graphs to display the output of simulations performed within this project. The graphs display as subobjects of Graphs. You can create the following graphs types: rectangular, Smith Chart, polar, histogram, antenna plot, tabular, and constellation.
For more information, see Chapter 5.
Optimization Goals

Allows you to specify optimization goals for this project. The goals display as subobjects of Optimization Goals.
For more information, see Chapter 8.
Yield Goals

Allows you to specify yield goals for this project. The goals display as subobjects of Yield Goals.
For more information, see Chapter 8.
Output Files

Allows you to specify output files to contain the output of simulations performed within this project, as an alternative to graphical output. The output files display as subobjects of Output Files. Output files can be Touchstone format (S, Y, or Z-parameters) (for circuit and EM simulations), SPICE Extraction files (for EM simulations), AM to AM or AM to PM files (for nonlinear circuit simulations), or spectrum data files (for nonlinear circuit simulations).
For more information, see "Output Files" .
Allows you to create scripts to automate tasks within Microwave Office. The scripts display as subobjects of Scripts.
For more information, see "Script Development Environment" .
Allows you to add externally-authored wizards as add-on tools to Microwave Office. The wizards display as subobjects of Wizards.
For more information, see "Microwave Office Design Wizards" .


Microwave Office Help pages provide information as you need it on the windows, menu choices, and dialog boxes that compose the design environment, as well as on the concepts involved.

To access Help, choose Help from the Microwave Office pull-down menu, or press the F1 key anytime you are using Microwave Office to display the Help menu. The Help menu includes the following choices:

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Element Help
Access help specifically on the electrical elements that compose the Element Browser.
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This example demonstrates how to use Microwave Office to simulate a basic lumped element filter using the linear simulator. It includes the following main steps:


Creating a schematic
Adding graphs and measurements

Analyzing the circuit

Tuning the circuit 【我們最主要要用的】

Creating variables

Optimizing the circuit



Create a New Project

To create a new project,

Choose File > New Project from the pull-down menu.
Choose File > Save Project As from the pull-down menu. The Save As dialog box appears.
Type a project name (for example, "linear_example"), and click Save.


Set Default project units

To set default project units,



Choose Options > Project Options from the pull-down menu. TheProject Options dialog box appears.
Click the Global Units tab.




Modify the units by clicking the arrows to the right of the field so that they match those in the figure below, and click OK.


Create a schematic 【已於基本環境介紹過了】

To create a schematic,

Choose Project > Add Schematic > New Schematic from the pull-down menu. The Create New Schematic dialog box appears.

Type "lpf", and click OK. A schematic window displays in the workspace and the schematic appears as a subgroup of the Circuit Schematics node in the Project Browser.


Place Elements in a Schematic

To place elements in a schematic,

Click the Elem tab in the lower left of the window to display the Element Browser.
Expand the Lumped Element group by clicking the + symbol to the left of the group.
Click on the Inductor subgroup of the Lumped Element node in the Element Browser. A set of inductor models displays in the lower pane.

Click on the IND model, and holding the mouse button down, drag it into the schematic, release the mouse button, position the element as shown in the figure below, and click to place it.
Repeat Step 4 three times, aligning and connecting each inductor as shown below.

Now click on the Capacitor subgroup of the Lumped Element node in the Element Browser. A set of capacitor models displays in the lower pane.

Click on the CAP model, and holding the mouse button down, drag it into the schematic, release the mouse button, right-click to rotate the element, position it as shown in the figure below, and click to place it.























有一個寫 GND  以及 PORT 的嗎?



Edit element parameters



Double-click on the Ind L1 graphic in the schematic window. The Element Options dialog box appears.

Click on the value text box in the Inductance (L) row, enter "15" in the Value field, and click OK. The change is reflected in the schematic.

Follow Steps 1 and 2 to edit the inductor and capacitor values to match what is shown below. (To edit capacitor values, select C in the Parameters list box.)




Click the Proj tab in the lower left of the window to activate the Project Browser.
Double-click on the Project Options group. The Project Options dialog box appears.
Click on the Frequency Values tab.
Type "100" in the Start field, type "1000" in the Stop field, and type "10" in the Step field. Click Apply. The Current Range scroll box displays the frequency range and steps you have just specified.
Click OK.





Right-click on the Graphs group in the Project Browser, and choose Add Graph from the pop-up menu. The Create Graph dialog box appears.






Type "s21 and s11" in Graph Name. Select the Rectangular radio button for Graph Type, and click OK. The graph displays in a window in the workspace and appears as a subgroup of the Graphs node in the Project Browser


Add a measurement


Right-click on the s21 and s11 subgroup in the Project Browser, and choose Add Measurement from the pop-up menu. The Add Measurement dialog box appears.


Select S in the Measurement scroll box. Select lpf in the Data Source Name field by clicking on the arrow to the right of the field. Select the value "1" in both the To Port Index and From Port Index fields by clicking on the arrows to the right of the fields. Check the DB checkbox and select the Mag. radio button. Click Apply.
Change the value in the To Port Index fields to "2", and click Apply.
Click OK. The measurements lpf:DB(|S[1,1]|) and lpf:DB(|S[2,1]|) appear as subgroups of the s21 and s11 group in the Project Browser.










所以一般人都是將其他模擬軟體執行後的 S參數放置此圖表來看



Tune the circuit

Click on the schematic window to make it active.
Click the Tune Tool icon in the toolbar.
Move the cursor over the L parameter of IND L1. The cursor displays as a cross
Click the mouse button to activate the L parameter for tuning. The parameter appears in an alternate color.
Repeat Steps 2 through 4 for elements CAP C1, CAP C3, and IND L4.
Click on the graph window to make it active.
Choose Simulate > Tune from the pull-down menu. The Variable Tuner dialog box appears.

Click on a tuning button, and holding the mouse button down, slide the tuning bar up and down. Observe the simulation change on the graph as the variables are tuned.
Slide the tuners to the values shown below, and observe the resulting response on the graph of the tuned circuit.


Create Variables

Filters are typically symmetric circuits. To optimize the circuit, we must change some of the parameter values to variables.


Click on the schematic window to make it active.
Choose Schematic > Add Equation from the pull-down menu.
Move the mouse cursor into the schematic. An edit box appears.
Position the edit window in the top area of the schematic window, and click to place it.
Type "Lin=15" in the edit box, and click the mouse outside of the edit box.
Repeat Steps 2 through 5 to create a second edit box, but type "Cin=8", and click the mouse outside of the edit box.
Double-click on the L parameter value of IND L1. An edit box appears. Type the value "Lin".
Repeat Step 7 to change the L parameter of IND L4 to "Lin", and the C parameters of CAP C1 and CAP C3 to "Cin", as shown in the figure below.
Click the Var tab in the lower left of the window.
Click on the + symbol to expand the lpf group.

Click on lpf Equations. The lower window displays variables Cin and Lin.
Click the O checkbox for both variables.
Click the lpf group in the upper window, and click the O checkbox corresponding to C2.





Add Optimization Goals

Click the Proj tab.
Right-click on Optimization Goals, and choose Add Opt Goal from the pop-up menu. The New Optimization Goal dialog box appears.

Highlight lpf:DB(|S[1,1]) in the Measurement list box. Select the Meas < Goal radio button in the Goal Type field, uncheck the Max checkbox in the Range field, type "500" in the Stop field, type -17 in the Goal field, and click OK.

epeat Steps 2 Rand 3, but highlight lpf:DB(|S[2,1]) in the Measurement list box, select the Meas > Goal radio button, uncheck the Max checkbox, type "500" in the Stop field, type "-1" in the Goal field, and click OK.

Repeat Steps 2 and 3 again, but highlight lpf:DB(|S[2,1]) in the Measurement list box, select the Meas < Goal radio button, uncheck Min, type "700" in the Start field, type "-30" in the Goal field, and click OK.


Optimize the Circuit

Choose Simulate > Optimize from the pull-down menu. The Optimize dialog box appears.

Select Random (Local) in the Optimization Methods field by clicking on the arrow to the right of the field, type "5000" in the Maximum Iterations field, and click Start. The simulation runs.

When the simulation is complete, click Close to exit the Optimize dialog box. View the finalized optimized response in the schematic and on the graph, as shown below.


